Welcome to Gr. 7 Science

Course Information

This year in Science we will be covering the general and specific outcomes for grade 7 through the following units:


Unit #1 - Earth’s Crust (12 weeks):

 Students investigate Earth’s geology, including rock and mineral formation, changes in the landscape over time, and human use of geological resources. Students recognize that soil is an important natural resource and they discuss the importance of soil conservation.


Unit #2 – Pure Substances and Mixtures (12 weeks):

 Students use the particle theory to describe changes of state, to differentiate between pure substances and mixtures, and to describe characteristics of solutions. Students also recognize household hazardous wastes and chemicals.


Unit #3 – Heat (4 weeks):

Students demonstrate how heat is transmitted by way of conduction, convection, and radiation. Students discuss how heat effects matter in different ways. Also recognize the benefits and costs of technologies that use heat.


Unit #4- Interactions with Ecosystems (6 weeks):

Students identify biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems, and analyze the cycling of matter that takes place within them. Students discuss environmental, social, and economic factors that should be considered in the management and preservation of ecosystem


Labs and Experiments:

Students must become familiar with lab safety rules as well as the lab equipment at GBJH before performing and experiments.


Textbook:  Science and Technology 7 - Nelson


Assessments: Students may be assessed in a variety of ways that may include, but are not limited to: Projects, tests, presentations, In class assignments,  homework, and quizzes.


Progress will be assessed and evaluated through daily class work, participation in ongoing conversations, and interactive/cooperative activities.



  • Arrive to class on time and prepared. Bring all necessary materials and school supplies to class! You should always come to class with a writing utensil and paper.
  • Actively participate in classroom conversations and activities
  • Cell phones should not be used for personal reasons during class time. Follow the cellphone policy at GJBH.
  •  To treat others with respect and support at all times.
  • If you are absent, please ask what you have missed. At that point I will be able to give you an update and any work that may have been done in your absence.


Helpful Links

You can find the outcomes for these units on the Dept. of Education Website: www.ednet.ns.ca – click on Document Depot then Curriculum and Textbooks


Lab Rubrics